Partners and Network of the Korean Center Global Network
Republic of Korea
Korea Foundation Books on Korea
The Global Future Higher Education Association
Goryeongto Korean Traditional Theater, Kyeongbuk Province
Daegu Gyeongbuk Small and Medium Business Traders Association
PSD Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.
Cheong Song Agri Machinery, Co.
Prof, Choi, Mijung(Chosun Nursing College, Education)
Prof, Cha, Insu(Dong Shin University, New Renewable Energy)
Prof, Jung, Sunghwan(Changwon National University, Computer Engineering)
Prof, Jin, Youngwan(Dong Eui University, Biomechanics/Sports Enginnering)
Prof, Han, Jaeho(Korea University, Brain and Cognitive Engineering)
Prof, Park Sihyun(Yeungnam University, Department of Electronic Engineering)
Prof, Lee, Sahangshik(Keimyung University, Department of Journalism)
Prof, Jung, Wookhee(Kyungbook National University, Piano)
Prof, Kim, Jiwon(Dong Eui University, Environmental Engineering)
Prof, Hwang, Hongseop(Busan National University of Education, Social Studies Education(Geography)
Prof, Lee, Jongduck(Kon Kuk University, Business Administration)
Prof, Park, Changil(Keimyung University, International Economy, Enterprenurship)
Prof, Kim Sungho(Young Jin University, Business Management)
Prof, Kim Kwang Hyun(Korea National University of Transportation, International Trade)
Prof, So, Jeong Hwa(PaiChai University, Organ)
Prof, Lee, Jooeun(Yonsei University, Chinese Language)
Kim, Jae Min(Kyungil University, Police Administration)
Prof, Kim, Changone Kim(Graduate School of Global Entrepreneurship, Keimyung University)
Prof, Kim Taewon(Graduate School of Global Entrepreneurship, Keimyung University, Certified Instructor of Innovation-Corps program)
President Baek, Honggi(KEN Partners Engel Club)
Republic of Indonesia
Educational Institute